Here are some samples of how Mechsoft gives smart solutions/ unique ideas to solve problems, to generate business, to save costs and many more.
Web crawling to improve tax collection!
Island nation with tourism economy: We created a web crawler to crawl through hundreds of Classified ads websites, to identify Personal properties being used for commercial purpose – increasing tax revenue.
Contribution: Innovative ways to find information without disturbing tourism business.
Telecom Billing- Rule Engine
Custom Language for Telecom Plan definition. Define Plans in real time, fast marketing idea to billing plan conversion. Own compiler and interpreter, reduced data foot print. Make sweeping changes to multiple plans with simple rules.
Dynamic Scenario in Telecom Plans cant roll out new marketing plans without…
- The billing software being ready. Rule Engine with custom Plan definition Language
- Own compiler and Interpreter for custom script
- Converted existing application to OOP.
No need to replace existing software investments
- Create plans real time
- Inherit from the right hierarchy of plans
- Deploy real time.
Reduced data footprint and improved performance
Carpet Exports- Distribution
Created a business case with retail partner based online cum offline Carpet market place, with full supply chain management – with zero carpets stocks, and still giving realistic feel of the carpets!
Contribution: Business idea with Tech implementation / UI for Carpet customization and coloring.
Our solution: Solution was to do online business but without cutting out retailers. They sell dealership/ make partners with people across the globe. These shops basically buy an album of carpet swatches (Small rectangular pieces) which people can check. We sell the carpets online … So say someone in Boston checks the carpet online, likes design, change colours online to suite his needs, and after finalizing – visits nearest partner shop where he checks the feel/ actual colors, again customize it right there as per his liking and place order! The production starts … There are many from different cities in US placing such orders. Once the production reaches a basic threshold, the whole lot is shipped to a distributor, who then takes care of posting individual carpets to buyers from one place.
Hompath - Homeopathic Expert System
Created our own Search Engine (in 1996), own Database, and Indexing system, that would search through gigabytes of data in fraction of seconds. Lexical search engine, with AND, OR, Same chapter etc. with intelligence of context understanding.
Challenge: Those were the days when google kind of engines were not readily available. There was free form information across thousands of books of Homeopathy, getting symptoms searched through them all,, and coming up with right medication.
We created our own Search Engine, own Database, Indexing system, that would search through gigabytes of data in fraction of seconds. Was it a simple search engine? This was a lexical search engine, with AND, OR, Same chapter etc. Also it had intelligent understanding of the words. For example it would understand Searching for Pain in morning to match text headache at dawn time! This product was developed end to end by our team.
The success:
- Leading to right medication through symptoms
- Among leading homeopathy software, since 25 years
- Currently sold in 130 countries.